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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (01) : 47 -53. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2018.01.008

所属专题: 文献


薛喆1, 宋关阳1, 李奉龙1, 姜春岩1,()   
  1. 1. 100035 北京积水潭医院运动损伤科
  • 收稿日期:2017-06-29 出版日期:2018-02-05
  • 通信作者: 姜春岩
  • 基金资助:
    北京市医院管理局临床医学发展专项经费资助(XMLX201511); 北京市优秀人才培养资助工作,青年骨干项目(2016000021469G178); 北京市科学技术委员会课题(Z141107002514001); 北京市自然科学基金项目(7142074)

Preliminary histological study on bone- ingrowth Characteristics of titanium metal of classical pore structure in the greater tuberosity of proximal humerus in rabbits

Zhe Xue1, Guanyang Song1, Fenglong Li1, Chunyan Jiang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Sports Medicine, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100035, China
  • Received:2017-06-29 Published:2018-02-05
  • Corresponding author: Chunyan Jiang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Jiang Chunyan, Email:

薛喆, 宋关阳, 李奉龙, 姜春岩. 经典孔隙结构钛合金内置物在兔肱骨近端大结节处骨长入的初步组织学研究[J]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2018, 06(01): 47-53.

Zhe Xue, Guanyang Song, Fenglong Li, Chunyan Jiang. Preliminary histological study on bone- ingrowth Characteristics of titanium metal of classical pore structure in the greater tuberosity of proximal humerus in rabbits[J]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2018, 06(01): 47-53.






在对15个样本进行定性观察后发现随着时间的进展,内置物空隙内的骨质在不断的增长,骨长入面积在不断的扩大。组织学定量分析发现3周与6周雄兔的骨长入面积百分比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而3周与12周以及6周与12周相比差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05),且总体在12周内,骨长入面积百分比与时间成对数关系。




The postoperative nonunion of greater tuberosity is the most common complication after the treatment of complex proximal humeral fracture with traditional shoulder prosthesis replacement, which severely affects shoulder joint function and reduces operative effect. Currently, the porous-coated prosthesis applied in clinic has several defects, such as low porosity, interfacial shear force between coating and prosthetic frame space, galvanic effect, etc., which can affect bone ingrowth and reduce biological fixation strength. However, the titanium alloy biological implant with classical regular hexahedral pore structure made by electron beam melting can overcome the shortcomings of traditional coated prosthesis and further improve the effect of bone ingrowth theoretically.In this study, the New Zealand rabbit was used for experiment. The classic pore structure, namely the titanium alloy biological implant with regular hexahedral pore structure, was implanted into greater tuberosity. With the help of histological research, the purpose of this study includes the confirmations of whether the titanium alloy of classical pore structure has the potential of bone ingrowth over time; what are the histological characteristics over time. This study can provide theoretical basis and evidential support for the application of titanium alloy biological implant in the field of shoulder surgery and the design of artificial shoulder prosthesis for enhancing the healing of greater tuberosity.


(1) Design: animal modeling observation. Time and location: it was completed in the animal laboratory of our hospital from May 2015 to November 2016. Materials: 15 adult male New Zealand rabbits of 4 months old (random allocation with three rabbits in each group) . The body weight was 2.41-2.70 kg, and the rabbits were raised in single cage and fed with standard diet. All rabbits were observed preoperatively for 1 week to confirm healthy. The disposal of animal during the experimental process is in conformity with the standard of medical ethics. (2) Methods. Establishment of rabbit proximal humeral biological implant model: The rabbit was given the intramuscular injection of mianmixin II (0.2 ml/kg) for general anesthesia. Afterward, the rabbit was placed in left lateral decubitus. Skin preparation, cleaning, regular disinfection and draping were carried out preoperatively. A 2-cm longitudinal incision was made in the shoulder, and the deltoid muscle was bluntly split to expose greater tuberosity. A 2.0 Kirschner wire was drilled through the center of humeral shaft at the insertion of greater tuberosity, which had an angle of 120° with the long axis of distal humerus. The titanium alloy screw with classic pore structure was inserted through bone tunnel to establish the model of proximal humeral titanium alloy biological implant. Without active hemorrhage, the wound was closed layer by layer. (3) Management after modeling: the rabbits were awakened naturally and fed regularly. They were kept in cage (65 cm × 40 cm × 40 cm) for activity restriction throughout the experiment, and the affected limb was immobilized. Penicillin (4 × 105 U) was injected intramuscularly to prevent infection for the first 3 days after modeling, and the samples were collected randomly and respectively at the 3rd, 6th and 12th week. The bone sample from humeral head to its distal end of 3 cm was kept for use, and all the muscle and soft tissue were removed. The bone sample was fixed with neutral buffered formalin for 48 hours and then dehydrated with gradient alcohol of 70%, 80% and 90% for 7 days and 100% for twice and 2 days per time. Afterward, the samples were infiltrated with Technovit7200VLC UV-curable resin for 1 month to complete photocurable embedding. The slices were made by EXAKT 400 CS/AW micro grinding system, which were cut parallel to humeral shaft with anatomical axis as the center. With about 1 mm set aside in both lateral and medial sides, the bone tissue was cut into slices of approximately 2 mm in thickness for toluidine blue staining. Under optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse 90i; Nikon Instruments, Inc., Melville, NY, USA) , the image acquisition was performed by 4 times magnification. The measurement of bone in growth area was processed and analyzed by Image-Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, USA) . A rectangle that contained the length a of the screw and its width b was made in the sagittal section of the slice, and the total area S0 = a × b. The rectangular area S1 with screws removed was calculated as well as the toluidine blue stained area Six, and the definition of bone in growth area S% = Sx / S1 ×100%. All the histological measurements were performed by the same operator. (4) Major observation indexes. ① Qualitative observation: general situation of bone ingrowth of biological implant with time. ② Quantitative measurement: changes of bone in growth area percentage with time. (5) Statistical analysis.SPSS 20.0 software (SPSS/PC Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis. The data was expressed as mean value ± standard division, and a P value < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. The ANOVA variance analysis was performed to evaluate the difference of bone in growth area percentages in the 3 experimental groups at 3-time points.


(1) Quantitative analysis of experimental animals.All rabbits were in good health after operation, and they all began to take food independently on the same day of modeling. No wound infection or unpredicted death occurred during observation. In the process of modeling, the local anatomical structure of rabbit shoulder joint was similar to that of human being’s, and the anatomical position of surgical approach was relatively constant. The establishment of biological implant model of greater tuberosity was highly repeatable. (2) General change of biological implant bone ingrowth with time. Under the microscopic view of histological staining, the number of chondrocyte in screw gap showed enhancing trend with expanding range of distribution based on the 3-time points of 3rd, 6th and 12th months. (3) Changes of bone ingrowth percentage with time.The histological data showed that the difference of bone ingrowth percentage among 3 groups was statistically significant, and the percentage of bone in growth area of 12th week increased remarkably compared to those of 3rd week (P<0.05) and 6th week (P<0.05) . However, there was no statistical difference between the bone in growth area percentages of 3rd week and 6th week (P>0.05) .Meanwhile, we made the histogram and line chart of bone in growth area percentage of 3-time points. The percentage of bone in growth area and its corresponding time point were used for function fitting, and it was discovered that the bone ingrowth and time were in logarithmic relationship within 3 months. S% = 13.706ln (T) + 5.3095; R2 = 0.9868.


In this study, the histological sections confirmed that the bone in growth area of titanium alloy biological implant with classic pore structure in rabbit proximal humerus increases over time. Within 12 weeks of modeling, the bone in growth area and time were in exponential relationship, and the growth rate slowed down gradually. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to strictly follow the rehabilitation protocol of active functional exercise after shoulder arthroplasty to reduce the occurrence of postoperative complication in clinic.

图1 骨长入模型建立 图A钝性分离兔三角肌,显露大结节;图B将经典孔隙结构的钛合金螺钉与肱骨远端长轴成约120°打入骨质,建立肱骨近端钛合金生物型内置物植入模型
图2 经典结构钛合金内置物,以正六面体网格为基础单元向周围空间规律排布
图3 螺钉实物图(每刻度为1 mm)
图4 骨长入面积测量,此图为沿螺钉矢状位切割后的组织学切片,其中黑色为螺钉部分(右侧为螺母部分),紫色部分为长入螺钉空隙内的骨质。取可包含螺钉体部的矩形,最长径为a,最宽径为b(黄色示),则总面积S0=a×b,使用Image-Pro Plus软件计算出此矩形中去除螺钉后的总面积S1及可被甲苯胺蓝着色的组织面积Sx,则骨长入面积百分比S%=Sx/S1×100%
图5 不同时间点螺钉骨长入面积情况 图A、B、C分别为3、6、12周时骨长入螺钉孔隙的镜下情况。其中黑色为螺钉部分(右侧为螺母部分),紫色部分为长入螺钉空隙内的骨组织,可见螺钉空隙内软骨细胞数量成正增长趋势,且分布的范围逐渐扩大
表1 15个样本组织学测量结果
表2 三个时间点骨长入面积百分比情况(±s
图6 3、6、12周时骨长入面积百分比比较情况
图7 骨长入面积百分比随时间变化折线图
图8 骨长入面积百分比与时间的函数关系
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