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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 319 -325. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2024.04.006


王晓梅1, 刘宇2, 董金磊3, 刘凡孝3, 王成龙3, 李连欣3,()   
  1. 1.250013 济南市中心医院核医学科
    2.250013 济南市中心医院创伤骨科
    3.250014 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院创伤骨科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-13 出版日期:2024-11-05
  • 通信作者: 李连欣
  • 基金资助:

Curative effect analysis of open reduction and internal fixation via single anterior approach for proximal humerus fracture combined with posterior dislocation of humeral head

Xiaomei Wang1, Yu Liu2, Jinlei Dong3, Fanxiao Liu3, Chenglong Wang3, Lianxin Li3,()   

  1. 1.Department of Nuclear Medicine, Jinan Central Hospital, Jinan 250013, China
    2.Deparment of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Jinan Central Hospital, Jinan 250013,China
    3.Deparment of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Shandong Provincial Hospital Addiliated Shandong First Medical University, Jinan 250014,China
  • Received:2024-06-13 Published:2024-11-05
  • Corresponding author: Lianxin Li

王晓梅, 刘宇, 董金磊, 刘凡孝, 王成龙, 李连欣. 单一前方入路内固定对肱骨近端骨折合并肱骨头后脱位的疗效分析[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2024, 12(04): 319-325.

Xiaomei Wang, Yu Liu, Jinlei Dong, Fanxiao Liu, Chenglong Wang, Lianxin Li. Curative effect analysis of open reduction and internal fixation via single anterior approach for proximal humerus fracture combined with posterior dislocation of humeral head[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2024, 12(04): 319-325.




对2013 年1 月至2023 年12 月期间应用单一前方入路切开复位内固定治疗的肱骨近端骨折合并肱骨头脱位的26 例(29 肩)患者进行回顾性分析。收集患者的性别、年龄、受伤原因、受伤类型、受伤至手术时间、手术出血量、骨折形态等信息,术后随访内容包括肩关节X 线片、美国加州大学肩关节功能评分(the university of California at Los Angeles shoulder rating scale,UCLA)、Constant 评分、视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)以及并发症发生情况等。


23 例患者(26 肩)获得随访,随访时间平均(43.1±11.0)个月。26 肩的关节脱位及骨折均复位良好,无再脱位病例,所有骨折均获得临床愈合,骨折愈合时间平均(12.4±3.2)周。术后1 个月及末次随访的Constant 评分、UCLA 评分、VAS 评分以及肩关节前屈、外展、内旋范围均较术前明显改善。陈旧损伤组与新鲜损伤组比较,术后的前屈功能、外展功能较差,两组有统计学差异。不同性别、年龄以及骨折类型的术后评估结果没有统计学差异。发生肱骨头坏死2 例,无术后感染、内固定物失效以及医源性神经及血管损伤等并发症。




Proximal humerus fractures are common, accounting for about 4%of total fractures. However, proximal humerus fractures combined with humeral head dislocations are uncommon, especially those with posterior dislocations of the humeral head, accounting for about 0.9%of shoulder fractures and dislocations. The causes of dislocations after proximal humeral fractures mainly include fall injury, traffic injury, electric shock injury, etc. The surgical effect of proximal humeral fracture combined with the posterior dislocation of the humeral head is rarely reported in the literature, and the choice of surgical approach and surgical method is still controversial.


To retrospectively analyze the cases of proximal humeral fracture combined with the posterior dislocation of the humeral head treated through the single anterior approach, explore the clinical results, and summarize the surgical treatment experience.


A retrospective analysis was performed on 26 patients (29 shoulders)with proximal humeral fractures combined with the posterior dislocations of the humeral head treated by open reduction and internal fixation via the single anterior approach between January 2013 and December 2023. Information such as gender, age, cause of injury, type of injury, time from injury to operation, amount of operative blood loss, fracture morphology, and other information were collected. Postoperative followups included shoulder joint X-ray film, shoulder joint function UCLA score, Constant score, pain VAS score,and incidence of complications.


Twenty-three patients (26 shoulders) were followed up for an average of 43.1±11.0 (11-72) months. Twenty-six shoulder fractures and dislocations were all well reduced,and no further dislocation was reported. All fractures were clinically healed with a mean healing time of 12.4±3.2 (8-16) weeks. The Constant score, UCLA score, VAS score, and ranges of shoulder flexion,abduction, and rotation were significantly improved in the 1st month after surgery and the last followup. Compared with the fresh injury group, the ranges of flexion and abduction in the aged damage were worse after the operation, and there were statistical differences between the two groups. There was no significant difference in postoperative evaluation results of sex, age, and fracture types. There were 2 cases of humeral head necrosis, and no complications such as postoperative infection, failure of internal fixation, and iatrogenic nerve or vascular injury.


Open reduction and internal fixation through the single anterior approach can achieve better clinical results in treating proximal humeral fracture combined with the posterior dislocation of the humeral head. The aged-damage cases have worse shoulder flexion and abduction function than the fresh cases. Surgery should be performed as soon as possible to avoid the missed diagnosis. During the operation, the diseased part should be fully exposed to ensure the reduction and fixation of the joint and fracture under direct vision, and the blood flow of the humeral head should be protected to improve the therapeutic effect.

表1 患者术前、术后肩关节功能评分及活动度比较(n=26)
图1 典型病例:患者男性,31 岁,电击伤后双侧肱骨近端骨折合并肩关节后脱位 图A:术前右肩关节X 线正位片;图B:术前左肩关节X 线正位片; 图C:术前双肩CT 平扫,CT 示右侧为压缩型,左侧为Neer 四部分骨折;图D:术后双肩X 线正位片;图E:术后1 年双肩X 线正位片;图F:术后1 年双肩CT 平扫片;图G:术后1 年肩关节活动外旋87° ;图H:术后1 年双肩CT 三维重建片;图I:术后1 年肩关节前屈175° ;图J:术后1 年肩关节内旋至T12 水平,外旋87°
表2 陈旧性损伤组与新鲜损伤组患者一般资料的比较
表3 陈旧损伤组与新鲜损伤组末次随访评分比较(
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