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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (02) : 103 -110. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2023.02.002


纪晓希, 陈雨舟, 黄秋, 曹烈虎, 朱文辉()   
  1. 200040 上海,复旦大学附属华山医院运动医学科
    614000 乐山市人民医院骨一科
    201900 上海市宝山区罗店医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-08 出版日期:2023-05-05
  • 通信作者: 朱文辉
  • 基金资助:

Comparative study of the effect of acromioplasty on the clinical outcome of arthroscopic repair of traumatic and non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries

Xiaoxi Ji, Yuzhou Chen, Qiu Huang, Liehu Cao, Wenhui Zhu()   

  1. Department of Sports Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040,China
    Department of Orthopedics, Leshan People's Hospital, Leshan 614000,China
    Department of Orthopedics, Luodian Hospital of Baoshan District, Shanghai 201900,China
  • Received:2022-10-08 Published:2023-05-05
  • Corresponding author: Wenhui Zhu

纪晓希, 陈雨舟, 黄秋, 曹烈虎, 朱文辉. 肩峰成形术对关节镜下修补外伤性与非外伤性肩袖损伤临床结果影响的比较研究[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2023, 11(02): 103-110.

Xiaoxi Ji, Yuzhou Chen, Qiu Huang, Liehu Cao, Wenhui Zhu. Comparative study of the effect of acromioplasty on the clinical outcome of arthroscopic repair of traumatic and non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2023, 11(02): 103-110.




将复旦大学附属华山医院2016年1月至2020年7月收治并进行关节镜下肩袖修补术的肩袖损伤患者,按有无外伤病史,分为创伤组或非创伤组。所有患者术中行肩峰成形术或肩峰下滑囊切除术。术后患者定期随访至少12个月。术前、术后记录患者的Constant-Murley、美国肩肘外科协会评分(American shoulder and elbow surgeons'form, ASES)、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California,Los Angels,UCLA)评分、视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)及肩关节活动度。比较创伤性与非创伤性肩袖损伤,接受肩峰成形术与接受肩峰下滑囊切除术患者的术前、术后临床功能。


共114例患者入组本研究(创伤组50例患者、非创伤组64例患者)。创伤组中41例患者(41/50,82.0%)、非创伤组中43例患者(43/64,67.2%)在肩袖修补术中接受了肩峰成形术,其余患者行肩峰下滑囊切除术。在术后12个月,创伤组及非创伤组患者的Constant-Murley评分、ASES评分、VAS评分及肩关节活动度均较术前明显改善。对于创伤组,接受肩峰成形术患者的术后功能、活动度与接受肩峰下滑囊切除患者无明显差异。然而对于非创伤组,接受肩峰成形术患者较肩峰下滑囊切除患者在Constant-Murley评分(83.6分vs. 81.6分, P = 0.03)、ASES评分(89.0分vs. 80.1分, P <0.01)、UCLA评分(31.1分vs. 29.2分, P = 0.03)、VAS疼痛评分(1.2分vs. 2.1分, P <0.01) ,外展角度(160.0° vs. 151. 7°, P = 0.03)及外旋角度(60.1° vs. 53.3°, P = 0.03)均显著改善。




Rotator cuff degeneration and tear are common causes of shoulder pain, often induced by multiple factors. Two theories are widely accepted to explain the mechanism of this injury: the mechanical (extrinsic) theory, which suggests symptoms arise from changes in the anatomical shape of the acromion, and the degenerative (intrinsic) theory, which suggests symptoms arise from degeneration of the rotator cuff tissue. The anatomical changes in the acromion lead to impingement between the acromion and rotator cuff, which is the theoretical basis of acromioplasty. Since Neer first reported this, many open or arthroscopic acromioplasty has been performed, aiming to reduce the pressure between the acromion and rotator cuff by partially reshaping the acromion. However, in recent years, more and more studies have questioned the necessity of acromioplasty in treating rotator cuff injuries. McCallister et al. repaired full-thickness rotator cuff tears without performing acromioplasty and significantly improved shoulder joint range of motion (ROM) and other clinical functions after surgery. Subsequent prospective randomized controlled studies have also not found any benefits of acromioplasty in treating full-thickness rotator cuff injuries.Furthermore, some studies have found that partial release of the coracohumeral ligament during acromioplasty can increase the risk of anterior superior instability of the glenohumeral joint. Based on these observations, many surgeons have begun to reassess the role of acromioplasty and the concept of extrinsic impingement in treating rotator cuff injuries. In addition to common causes of rotator cuff injuries, such as age-related degeneration, overuse of the shoulder joint, smoking, diabetes, etc., some patients can recall a history of shoulder joint trauma before the onset of shoulder joint symptoms. Studies have discussed the relationship between trauma and rotator cuff injuries. Braune et al. compared the postoperative outcomes of traumatic and non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries and found that patients with traumatic rotator cuff injuries had higher Constant-Murley scores, better ROM, and lower visual analogue scale (VAS) scores for pain. Tan et al. sequentially compared 1,300 patients with rotator cuff injuries and found that patients with traumatic tears had more restricted ROMs. In a retrospective study, Kang Jianguo et al. found that acromioplasty did not further improve joint function after rotator cuff repair and may not be a common choice for rotator cuff repair. Therefore, it is still unclear whether a history of trauma affects the functional results of rotator cuff injuries and their surgical repair.


To retrospectively evaluate the effect of acromioplasty or subacromial bursectomy on postoperative clinical outcomes in patients with arthroscopic repair of traumatic and non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries.


The patients with rotator cuff injury who received arthroscopic rotator cuff repair from January 2016 to July 2020 were retrospectively divided into trauma group or non-trauma group according to the history of trauma. Each patient underwent acromioplasty or subacromial bursectomy. The patients were followed up regularly for at least 12 months. Constant-Murley score, ASES score, UCLA score, VAS pain score, and shoulder range of motion were recorded before and after surgery. The preoperative and postoperative clinical functions of patients with traumatic and nontraumatic rotator cuff injuries, or acromioplasty and subacromial bursectomy, were compared with those who underwent acromioplasty.


One hundred fourteen patients were enrolled in this study, including 50 in the trauma group and 64 in the non-trauma group. Among the trauma group, 41 patients (82.0%) received acromioplasty during rotator cuff repair surgery, while 43 (67.2%) in the non-trauma group received acromioplasty. The remaining patients underwent subacromial bursectomy. At 12 months postoperatively, the Constant-Murley score, ASES score, VAS pain score, and shoulder joint range of motion significantly improved compared to preoperative values in both the trauma and non-trauma groups. There was no significant difference in postoperative function and range of motion in the trauma group between patients who received acromioplasty and those who underwent subacromial bursectomy. However, in the non-trauma group, patients who received acromioplasty had significantly better Constant-Murley scores (83.6 points vs. 81.6 points, P = 0.03), ASES score (89.0 points vs. 80.1 points, P <0.01), UCLA score (31.1 points vs. 29.2 points, P= 0.03), VAS pain score (1.2 points vs. 2.1 points, P <0.01), external rotation angle (160.0°vs. 151.7°, P= 0.03), and abduction angle (60.1° vs. 53.3°, P= 0.03) compared to patients who underwent subacromial bursectomy.


In the arthroscopic repair of non-traumatic rotator cuff injuries, acromioplasty results in better joint function and range of motion than subacromial bursectomy.

表1 创伤组与非创伤组肩袖损伤患者的人口学信息、关节镜术中发现及修补方式
表2 创伤组分别接受肩峰成形术或者肩峰下滑囊切除术患者的人口学信息、关节镜术中发现及修补方式
表3 非创伤组分别接受肩峰成形术或者肩峰下滑囊切除术患者的人口学信息、关节镜术中发现及修补方式
表4 创伤组、非创伤组患者的年龄分布范围[例(%)]
表5 创伤组、非创伤组分别接受肩峰成形术、肩峰下滑囊切除术患者的肩峰形态分型
表6 创伤组与非创伤组肩袖损伤患者的关节功能及ROM在术前、术后比较(±s
表7 创伤组、非创伤组接受肩峰下滑囊切除术与肩峰形成术的关节功能评分和ROM比较(±s
表8 对于I、II、III型肩峰形态,创伤组、非创伤组患者术后临床评分及ROM比较(±s
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