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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (02) : 154 -161. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2022.02.011


魏澜1, 王泓巍2, 杨仁豪3, 宋艳艳4, 刘敬锋3, 王蕾3, 王晓宁1, 庄澄宇3,()   
  1. 1. 200025 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院手术室
    2. 200025 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院麻醉科
    3. 200025 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院骨科
    4. 200025 上海交通大学医学院生物统计学教研室
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-12 出版日期:2022-05-05
  • 通信作者: 庄澄宇
  • 基金资助:
    上海卫生系统先进适宜技术推广项目(2019SY011); 国家自然科学基金青年项目(82102618); 国家自然科学基金面上向项目(32171317)

Perioperative hypothermia during shoulder arthroscopy surgery: An observational study

Lan Wei1, Hongwei Wang2, Renhao Yang3, Yanyan Song4, Jingfeng Liu3, Lei Wang3, Xiaoning Wang1, Chengyu Zhuang3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Operation Room, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai 200025, China
    2. Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai 200025, China
    3. Department of Orthopedic, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai 200025, China
    4. Department of Biostatistics, Clinical Research Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Received:2022-03-12 Published:2022-05-05
  • Corresponding author: Chengyu Zhuang

魏澜, 王泓巍, 杨仁豪, 宋艳艳, 刘敬锋, 王蕾, 王晓宁, 庄澄宇. 肩关节镜术中低体温情况的观察性研究[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2022, 10(02): 154-161.

Lan Wei, Hongwei Wang, Renhao Yang, Yanyan Song, Jingfeng Liu, Lei Wang, Xiaoning Wang, Chengyu Zhuang. Perioperative hypothermia during shoulder arthroscopy surgery: An observational study[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2022, 10(02): 154-161.






针对155例肩关节镜患者的资料分析结果可见手术开始时有43例患者的体温均处于低体温状态,112例患者处于正常范畴,低体温发生率为27.74%。而在手术结束时出现低体温状态的患者有62例,而93例患者处于正常范畴,术后的低体温发生率为40%。所有的低体温状态均处于轻度的围手术期低体温范畴。麻醉后出现低体温的患者中,性别和BMI的比值差异具有统计学意义,而术中及结束时出现低温的情况则与年龄、性别、手术时间、灌注量和保温措施相关。并且当手术时间超过90 min后,灌注液对核心体温的影响起到了主导作用。




There was much attention focused on the perioperative physiological states, and during the state, the hypothermia could significantly affect postoperative clinical outcomes. With the development of shoulder arthroscopy, the related perioperative physiological conditions are also continuously recognized. Still, few reports are on the influencing factors and clinical functions of perioperative hypothermia during shoulder arthroscopy. Objective Investigation of the perioperative hypothermia and factors that influence hypothermia in shoulder arthroscopy.


A total of 161 patients with shoulder arthroscopy treatment were retrospectively analyzed. The patient’s general information, operative time, ASA, anesthesia method, heat preservation measure and operating room temperature, etc., were recorded. These data and the incidence of hypothermia during the perioperative period and the risk factors were statistically analyzed.


According to the data analysis results of 155 cases of shoulder arthroscopy, the incidence of hypothermia was 27.74% after general anesthesia, and the incidence of hypothermia postoperatively was 40%. The hypothermia showed a significant correlation with gender and BMI after anesthesia. The occurrence of hypothermia during and at the end of the operation is closely related to age, gender, operation time, irrigation fluid volume, and heat preservation measure. When the operation time exceeds 90 minutes, the irrigation fluid temperature has an essential role in changing the core temperature.


Various factors in shoulder arthroscopy are associated with perioperative hypothermia. The temperature of the irrigation fluid also has a particular effect on the core temperature, leading to the occurrence of hypothermia during the perioperative period.

表1 入组患者的基础信息[例(%)]
表2 不同时间点体温变化的患者基础分组信息
组别 例数 性别[例(%)] 患侧[例(%)] 年龄(岁,±s 身高(cm,±s
手术开始前低体温组 43 17(39.53) 26(60.47) 20(46.51) 23(53.49) 57.76±10.95 61.96±8.62 170.41±6.15 159.46±3.26
手术开始前无低体温组 112 33(29.46) 79(70.54) 46(41.07) 66(58.93) 48.33±14.20 62.49±8.13 171.97±6.17 160.05±4.88
手术结束低体温组 62 15(24.19) 47(75.81) 31(50.00) 31(50.00) 58.53±14.95 62.76±8.57 171.47±5.01 159.53±4.63
手术结束无低体温组 93 35(37.63) 58(62.37) 35(37.63) 58(62.37) 48.54±12.36 62.03±7.98 171.43±6.64 160.21±4.46
手术开始前正常/结束低体温组 32 6(18.75) 26(81.25) 12(37.50) 20(62.50) 55.50±17.31 63.77±7.72 172.83±3.65 159.92±5.59
手术开始前正常/结束正常组 80 27(31.25) 53(68.75) 32(40.00) 48(60.00) 46.74±13.27 61.87±8.33 171.78±6.64 160.11±4.56
组别 例数 体重(kg,±s BMI(±s 合并症[例(%)]
高血压 糖尿病 白内障 其他
手术开始前低体温组 43 66.35±10.38 58.13±7.06 22.89±3.88 22.87±2.76 9(20.93) 6(13.95) 2(4.65) 9(20.93)
手术开始前无低体温组 112 74.3±12.08 60.94±8.43 25.00±2.82 23.75±2.82 31(27.68) 9(8.04) 7(6.25) 17(15.18)
手术结束低体温组 62 70.23±11.09 59.05±8.47 23.95±4.15 23.19±3.03 19(50.00) 5(13.16) 3(7.89) 11(28.95)
手术结束无低体温组 93 72.18±12.54 61.21±7.86 24.42±2.98 23.81±2.63 24(46.15) 7(13.46) 6(11.54) 15(28.85)
手术开始前正常/结束低体温组 32 75.83±8.21 60.5±9.07 25.36±2.25 23.64±3.12 11(57.90) 1(0.05) 3(15.79) 4(21.05)
手术开始前正常/结束正常组 80 73.96±12.89 61.15±8.18 24.91±2.97 23.81±2.70 23(51.11) 5(11.11) 4(0.09) 13(28.90)
图1 术前体温与BMI人数百分比趋势
表3 影响手术开始时低体温发生的多因素Logistic回归模型结果及OR
图2 各体温测量时间的平均体温的变化趋势图
表4 混合效应模型分析各测量时间点的体温平均值的变化结果表
表5 影响手术中低体温发生的多因素分析结果
表6 影响手术结束时低体温发生的多因素分析的模型结果及OR
图3 手术时长与灌注量之间的散点分布图
表7 手术时长低于90 min的亚组
表8 手术时长高于90 min的亚组
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