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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (02) : 117 -121. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2023.02.004


马小刚, 秦桂兰(), 缪嘉吉   
  1. 850000 拉萨,西藏自治区人民医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-04 出版日期:2023-05-05
  • 通信作者: 秦桂兰

Clinical outcome of complex scapular fracture treated by open reduction and internal fixation in Tibet area

Xiaogang Ma, Guilan Qin(), Jiaji Miao   

  1. Department of Orthopedics, Tibet Autonomous Region People's Hospital, Lhasa 850000, China
  • Received:2023-04-04 Published:2023-05-05
  • Corresponding author: Guilan Qin

马小刚, 秦桂兰, 缪嘉吉. 西藏地区复杂肩胛骨骨折手术治疗疗效分析[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2023, 11(02): 117-121.

Xiaogang Ma, Guilan Qin, Jiaji Miao. Clinical outcome of complex scapular fracture treated by open reduction and internal fixation in Tibet area[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2023, 11(02): 117-121.




自2018年9月至2021年11月,对西藏自治区人民医院骨科41例复杂粉碎性肩胛骨骨折患者的临床资料进行分析,其中伴涉及锁骨骨折、肩锁关节脱位14例,肩胛骨颈部、关节盂粉碎性骨折15例,肩胛骨体部粉碎骨折伴局部塌陷12例。合并损伤有多发性肋骨骨折、血气胸、肺挫伤28例,合并颈椎骨折7例,合并脑挫伤6例。对符合手术指征患者进行切开复位内固定治疗,观察术后骨折愈合情况和上肢功能评定表(disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand, DASH)。






Scapular fractures occur frequently when the body is subjected to high-energy injury, and the incidence is low, accounting for 0.4%-1% of the total body fractures. Fractures often involve the scapula, neck, glenoid, coracoid, and acromion and are associated with other injuries ranging from 76% to 100%, such as ipsilateral clavicle, ribs, lung contusion, and craniocranial injury. The treatment of comminuted scapular fractures can be tricky. Improper treatment will likely cause many complications, such as glenohumeral instability, glenohumeral arthritis, scapular chest wall motion disorder, shoulder pain, etc. With the increasing demand of patients for upper limb function, surgical treatment of scapular fractures has attracted people's attention. Surgical treatment of glenoid and acromial fractures, unstable coracoid and acromion fractures, and significantly displaced scapular neck and body fractures is a standard clinical option. Currently, doctors in the Tibet region also use surgical methods for open reduction and internal fixation treatment of the above complex scapular fractures. Tibet is located in a high-altitude area with low pressure and low oxygen environment. Do these environmental characteristics affect the treatment of scapular fractures? We used "scapular fracture" and "plateau region" for literature searches in domestic journals, but there were no relevant reports.


To explore the characteristics of scapular fracture and analyze the therapeutic effect of open reduction and internal fixation of scapular fracture in the Tibet area.


From September 2018 to December 2021, 41 cases of comminuted scapular fracture were treated in the department of Orthopedics, People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region, including 32 males and 9 females, with an average age of 42.1 (21-60) years. Thirteen patients suffered from traffic accidents, 17 patients from heavy crashes, and 11 patients from falling from height. Preoperative imaging examinations including scapular AP view and lateral view were performed to evaluate the ipsilateral shoulder girdle injury comprehensively. CT scan and 3D reconstruction were performed in complex cases. The scapular fractures were classified according to Miller's classification and Ideberg's classification. The indication for operation were as follow: GPT more than 20 degrees; fracture angulation in the scapular body was more than 45 degrees; medial or lateral column displacement was more than 20 millimeters, or 15 millimeters with more than 30 degrees angulation; superior shoulder suspension complex injury with fracture displaced more than 10 millimeters. Early combined surgeries were conducted to treat the scapular fracture and combined clavicle fracture under general anesthesia. The clavicle fracture was treated in the beach chair position, and the scapular fracture was treated in the lateral decubitus position. After an operation, antibiotics were used within 24 hours. The shoulder girdle was protected in a sling for 2 weeks. Only passive motion was allowed in the first 4 weeks. From week 4 to week 8, passive motion and active assisted motion were started. Regular follow-ups were performed to observe fracture healing, and the arm, shoulder, and hand disabilities score (DASH) was utilized to evaluate upper limb function.


The operations were successful in all cases, and complete follow-ups were obtained, with an average follow-up time of 18 months. All incisions healed primarily. Besides, there was no facture nonunion and atrophy of infraspinatus muscle and deltoid muscle after the operation, achieving an ideal overall recovery of shoulder joint function, with an average DASH score of 7.8 (4-21). The mean anterior elevation is 164 degrees, the mean abduction is 110 degrees, and the mean external rotation at side is 54 degrees.


In the Tibet plateau area, the early operation of severe scapular comminution fracture, which achieves anatomical reduction and firm fixation of the fracture, is advantageous for treating combined injuries. Moreover, active functional rehabilitation after the operation benefits the recovery of shoulder joint function.

图1 典型病例1的术前、术后X线片 图A:术前X线片;图B:术前CT评估;图C:术后X线片
图2 典型病例2 术前、术后X线片 图A:术前X线片示右肩胛颈骨折伴明显移位;图B:CT三维重建示右肩胛颈骨折伴移位;图C:术后X线片示骨折解剖复位;图D:术后14个月取内固定
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