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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (01) : 11 -23. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2021.01.003

所属专题: 文献


徐峰1, 陈小云1, 张秦1, 高谦1,()   
  1. 1. 102206 北京大学国际医院康复医学科
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-22 出版日期:2021-02-05
  • 通信作者: 高谦
  • 基金资助:

Research hotspots and frontiers analysis of rotator cuff injury rehabilitation in the past decade

Feng Xu1, Xiaoyun Chen1, Qin Zhang1, Qian Gao1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
  • Received:2020-09-22 Published:2021-02-05
  • Corresponding author: Qian Gao

徐峰, 陈小云, 张秦, 高谦. 全球肩袖康复十年研究热点和前沿分析[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2021, 09(01): 11-23.

Feng Xu, Xiaoyun Chen, Qin Zhang, Qian Gao. Research hotspots and frontiers analysis of rotator cuff injury rehabilitation in the past decade[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2021, 09(01): 11-23.




以Web of Science核心合集数据库为数据来源,以"rotator cuff AND rehabilitation"主题词检索2011~2020年发表的肩袖康复领域的相关研究。使用Web of Science提供的"创建引文报告"及"分析检索结果"功能,以及CiteSpace软件知识图谱绘制功能,对已检索的文献按照国家地区、研究机构、作者、关键词、参考文献等分别进行科学计量学和可视化分析。




本研究数据是从Web of Science核心合集的单个数据库中检索的,所以本研究结果并不能涵盖目前肩袖康复所有的最新研究主题,但依然能够对研究方向、研究设计提供足够有益的启示和指导,并应加强国家地区或研究机构间的国际合作。


Rotator cuff injury/ tear is the most common clinical shoulder disease in orthopaedics and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of rotator cuff and scapular band, especially after surgery, plays a crucial role in improving shoulder function, pain and quality of life. However, there are still many unsolved research topics of rotator cuff rehabilitation, which need to be further understood and strengthened. Objective To analyze the hotspots and cutting-edge trends with bibliometrics and visualization techniques in the field of rotator cuff rehabilitation to provide references for researchers.


Based on Web of Science core collections, the relevant researches in the field of rotator cuff rehabilitation published in 2011-2020 was retrieved with the subject terms "rotator cuff AND rehabilitation" . Using the function of "creating citation reports" and "analyzing retrieval results" provided by Web of Science, as well as the knowledge map drawing function of CiteSpace software, the retrieved literature was scientifically measured and visualized according to nations and regions, research institutions, authors, keywords, references, etc.


A total of 614 related studies in the field of rotator cuff rehabilitation were retrieved. The number of studies and citations increased year by year. Most of the top countries and research institutions came from the United States, Europe, Australia, Canada and South Korea, etc. Based on the identification of keywords by CiteSpace and in combination with the retrieval of the major cited references where the keywords are located, the hotspots and frontiers of researches can be more accurately identified and detected. The research design of the key node literature in this study is mainly based on randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews or meta-analysis that can provide high quality medical evidence. Here are some of the current research topics of greater concern which may represent the current global trend of key themes in rotator cuff rehabilitation research: (1) assessments and rehabilitation strategies of ROM of glenohumeral joint, acromiohumeral distance (AHD) , trapezius muscle and scapular movement, isokinetic motion test of internal/external rotator cuff, and Western Ontario rotator cuff index (WORC) ; (2) techniques of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its derivatives, and Kinesiotaping (KT) technique; (3) surgical procedures and conservative /rehabilitation treatment options for rotator cuff tear (RCT) , early or delayed postoperative rehabilitation, efficacy of postoperative exercise rehabilitation strategies, and application of shoulder symptom modification procedures (SSMP) ; (4) autografts/allografts and superior joint capsule reconstruction for treatment of massive rotator cuff tears; (5) pathogenesis and rehabilitation of subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS) , basic study of intra-tendon and tendon-bone healing, influencing factors of rotator cuff healing, and tendon retraction and recurrent defects after rotator cuff repair; (6) pain mechanism and pain management strategies of central sensitization and cortical involvement, and role of psychological and social factors in shoulder pain.


As the data of this study is retrieved from a single database of Web of Science core collections, the results in this study can not cover all the latest research topics of rotator cuff rehabilitation at present, but still can provide some inspiration and guidance for RCT rehabilitation research, and strengthen the international cooperation between countries, regions or research institutions.

图1 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量(图A)和引文数量(图B)
表1 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量排前10位的国家和研究机构
图2 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量排前10位的国家(图A)和研究机构合作网络共现图谱(图B)
表2 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量排前10位的期刊、研究方向和基金资助
表3 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量排前10位的高产作者
图3 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究发表论文数量排前10位的期刊(图A)和研究方向网络共现图谱(图B)
表4 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究排前10位的高频次、高中心性和高突现性关键词
图4 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究高频次、高中心性和突现性关键词网络共现图谱 图A:关键词出现频次≥33;图B:中心性≥0.1的关键词;图C:突现关键词时区(timezone)图,节点及连线对应关键词突现开始和结束对应的年份,节点和字体大小分别与频次、中心性、突现性强度成正比
表5 2011~2020年WOS检索肩袖康复相关研究排前10位的高被引文献的设计类型
表6 2011~2020年肩袖康复相关研究排前10位的高中心性参考文献其文献设计类型
表7 在2016~2020年肩袖康复相关研究排前10位的高突现性参考文献其文献设计类型
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