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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (04) : 327 -337. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2022.04.007


徐峰1, 张英皓1, 谢娜1, 高谦1,()   
  1. 1. 102206 北京大学国际医院康复医学科
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-28 出版日期:2022-11-05
  • 通信作者: 高谦
  • 基金资助:

A retrospective study of pathologies and risk factors associated with shoulder pain

Feng Xu1, Yinghao Zhang1, Na Xie1, Qian Gao1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
  • Received:2022-09-28 Published:2022-11-05
  • Corresponding author: Qian Gao

徐峰, 张英皓, 谢娜, 高谦. 肩部疼痛相关病理和危险因素的回顾性研究[J]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2022, 10(04): 327-337.

Feng Xu, Yinghao Zhang, Na Xie, Qian Gao. A retrospective study of pathologies and risk factors associated with shoulder pain[J]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2022, 10(04): 327-337.






共筛选出649例肩痛患者,其中男性占47.8%、女性占52.2%;发病年龄主要集中30~70岁期间,平均(51.30±13.80)岁;左侧占36.8%,右侧占60.6%,双侧2.6%。门诊肩痛患者以病程<3个月的急性疼痛(314例,48.38%)和中/重度疼痛(46.69% / 42.99%)患者居多,亚急性和慢性肩痛患者总数(335例,51.62%)超过急性肩痛、创伤性肩痛占36.06%,男性多于女性;非创伤性肩痛占63.94%,女性患者多于男性;所有肩痛患者中,发生肩袖损伤和冻结肩的病理状况比例最高,其次是肱二头肌肌腱炎、肩峰撞击综合征、肩峰下滑囊炎、肩手综合征、肩骨关节炎等;所有肩痛患者合并症中,以颈痛/颈椎病、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症、甲状腺疾病最多,其次为脑卒中、心脑血管疾病/动脉粥样硬化、肺部疾病、骨质疏松症,并有少数病例合并脊髓损伤、乳腺癌术后、焦虑抑郁、臂部疫苗接种、高尿酸血症、胆囊疾病。




Whether in orthopedic or rehabilitation medicine clinics, shoulder pain (SP) is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in primary care, affecting 18%-26% of adults at any point in time Affected by SP. Recurrent and long-term SP will affect the patient's ability to carry out activities of daily living and work, leading to poor prognosis and reduced quality of life, and even disability, with substantial economic costs, including increased demand for health care, job disruption, substantial sick leave, and early retirement or unemployment, etc. SP is a common clinical complaint symptom, not a precise clinical diagnosis, and the corresponding pathological diagnosis still needs to be supplemented. Many pathological factors can lead to shoulder pain, such as rotator cuff/biceps tendinopathy, glenohumeral joint disease, acromioclavicular joint disease, neck, and visceral disease referred pain, etc. The risk factors leading to pathological conditions of the shoulder joint are various, such as trauma, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, etc. It is of great clinical significance to study the etiology of SP. Understanding and identifying risk factors for shoulder pathology and paying attention to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of associated diseases can help clinicians make more comprehensive and effective medical decisions.


To study the pathologies and risk factors for shoulder pain to implement the intervention and prevent shoulder pain earlier.


In the department of rehabilitation medicine between March 2019 and March 2022, medical records of all patients with the diagnosis of shoulder pain or frozen shoulder March or rotator cuff injury were screened. Descriptive statistics were made for gender, age, left and right arms, etiology, pathological diagnosis, and comorbidity, with 95% confidence using Excel (version 2208) .


A total of 649 patients with shoulder pain were selected, mainly from 30 to 70 years old, averaging (51.30 ±13.80) years; males 47.8%, females 52.2%; left arm 36.8%, right arm 60.6%, and bilateral 2.6%. Most outpatients with shoulder pain were acute (314, 48.38%) and moderated to severe (46.69% / 42.99%) with a course of fewer than three months. Still, the number of patients with subacute and chronic shoulder pain (335) was higher than that of acute shoulder pain. Traumatic shoulder pain accounted for 36.06% of more men than women; non-traumatic shoulder pain accounted for 63.94% of more women than men; Of all the patients with SP, the highest proportion of pathological conditions are rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder, Followed by biceps tendinitis, sub-acromial impingement syndrome, subacromial bursitis, shoulder-hand syndrome, shoulder osteoarthritis, etc. Of all the patients with SP, the most significant number of comorbidity are neck pain/cervical spondylosis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disease, secondly, by stroke, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases/atherosclerosis, lung disease, and osteoporosis. There are fewer cases of spinal cord injury, surgical breast cancer, anxiety/ depression, vaccination in the upper arm, hyperuricemia, and gallbladder disease.


Patients with non-traumatic shoulder pain are more likely to develop chronic shoulder pain and progress to moderate or severe pain. Older age and dominant arm are important risk factors for SP and rotator cuff disease; males are risk factors for traumatic SP; females are the risk factors for nontraumatic SP; cervical pain/cervical spondylosis, metabolic syndrome (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disease) , cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease/ atherosclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injury, surgical breast cancer, psychosocial factors, and vaccination are risk factors for SP; hyperuricemia, lung disease (tumor) , gallbladder disease and osteoporosis are possible or potential risk factors for SP. Early identification of SP risk factors can guide clinical intervention and thus may prevent or improve pain-related dysfunction.

表1 SP分类统计[例(%)]
表2 TSP、N-TSP及RCJ患者的人口统计数据
图1 研究人群SP、TSP、N-TSP及RCJ患者年龄分布图(例)注:TSP为创伤性肩痛;N-TSP为非创伤性肩痛;RCJ为肩袖肌腱损伤;SP为肩部疼痛
表3 研究人群SP发生相关病理诊断人口统计数据(n=649)
表4 研究人群既往病史/合并症和肩袖损伤人口统计数据
表5 SP危险因素总结
因素 总结
年龄增长 30岁以下年轻患者以N-TSP为主,TSP患者随着年龄增加而有所减少,N-TSP患者则随着年龄增加而增多
性别 TSP多见于男性,女性N-TSP多见
优势臂 右侧多见
肩部创伤病史 骨折(锁骨、肩胛骨或肱骨近端)或软组织损伤(最常见的是肩袖、肩锁韧带或盂唇韧带复合体等)
颈痛/颈椎病 C3-7神经根、椎间盘、小关节复合体或椎旁软组织的损伤,退行性颈椎病变或颈椎神经系统疾病
代谢综合症 女性糖尿病比男性更容易发生FS,主要影响的是优势臂,慢性和非控制性糖尿病患者更常发生FS,以及肩袖肌腱病;高血压是肩袖撕裂发生和严重程度的重要危险因素;肩袖撕裂的患者胆固醇水平更高(高脂血症),低密度脂蛋白和非高密度脂蛋白与伴有糖尿病的FS相关,伴有糖尿病的FS患者发生高非高密度脂蛋白血症的几率更高;甲状腺功能亢进、甲状腺功能减退,甲状腺癌术后
心脑血管疾病/动脉粥样硬化 冠心病心绞痛或心肌梗塞,心脏直视手术后,脑卒中
脊髓损伤,颈髓损伤 肩部瘫痪、急性损伤和/或长期过度使用
乳腺癌术后 广泛局部切除术,乳房切除术;左侧乳腺癌术后更为明显;单侧乳腺癌术后SP发病率往往是双侧的
心理社会因素 高水平的情绪困扰、抑郁、焦虑、术前担忧、恐惧回避信念、躯体化障碍和疼痛灾难化
臂部疫苗接种 如带状疱疹疫苗和新冠(COVID-19)疫苗接种后
高尿酸血症 钙化性肌腱炎、痛风性肩关节炎的危险因素
肺部疾病(肿瘤) 肺上沟肿瘤或Pancoast肿瘤,慢性阻塞性肺气肿
胆囊疾病 胆石症,腹腔镜胆囊切除术后
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