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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (03) : 200 -207. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2021.03.003


向孝兵1,(), 陈建发1, 张双晓1, 张华1   
  1. 1. 510405 广州中医药大学第一附属医院运动医学科
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-07 出版日期:2021-09-13
  • 通信作者: 向孝兵
  • 基金资助:

Early curative efficacy of arthroscopic bridging reconstruction using fascia lata patch autograft for irreparable rotator cuff tears

Xiaobing Xiang1,(), Jianfa Chen1, Shuangxiao Zhang1, Hua Zhang1   

  1. 1. Department of Sports Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China
  • Received:2021-01-07 Published:2021-09-13
  • Corresponding author: Xiaobing Xiang

向孝兵, 陈建发, 张双晓, 张华. 关节镜下自体阔筋膜补片桥接术治疗不可修复性肩袖撕裂的早期疗效[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2021, 09(03): 200-207.

Xiaobing Xiang, Jianfa Chen, Shuangxiao Zhang, Hua Zhang. Early curative efficacy of arthroscopic bridging reconstruction using fascia lata patch autograft for irreparable rotator cuff tears[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2021, 09(03): 200-207.




回顾性分析2019年1月至2019年12月广州中医药大学第一附属医院运动医学科采用关节镜下自体阔筋膜补片桥接术治疗不可修复性肩袖撕裂患者12例,其中男6例、女6例;年龄49~80岁,平均( 66.1±8.6)岁。术前症状持续时间为1~120个月,平均34.8个月。术前均使用肩关节标准正位X线进行Hamada分型。术前及术后记录肩关节活动度(前屈、外展和体侧外旋角度),并采用视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale、VAS)、美国肩肘外科协会评分(rating scale of the American shoulder and elbow surgeons,ASES)、Constant-Murley评分及美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California Los Angeles,UCLA)评分进行肩关节疼痛评估与临床疗效分析,MRI检查随访评估术后桥接补片结构的完整性。


所有患者术后切口均为Ⅰ期愈合,无并发症及不良反应。12例患者均获得随访,术后随访9.5~20个月,平均随访(13.9±4.0)个月。12例患者术前肩关节标准正位X线Hamada分型:2级7例、3级5例。术前与末次随访时,患者肩关节活动度分别为前屈108.3°±36.9°和162.5°±9.9°、外展69.6°± 13.8°和94.6°± 9.5°、体侧外旋20.8°± 11.3°和43.8°±12.3°,VAS分别为(7.1±0.6)分和(0.9± 0.6)分,UCLA评分分别为(11.8±2.2)分和(31.3 ± 2.0)分,ASES分别为(42.2±8.1)分和(90.0±5.0)分,Constant-Murley评分分别为(46.7±8.5)分和(85.8±7.5)分。所有患者肩关节活动度、VAS、UCLA、Constant-Murley、ASES评分均较术前明显改善(P<0.001)。末次随访时UCLA评分优2例,良9例,差1例,优良率91.7%(11/12)。MRI随访见12例患者桥接补片结构完整性均良好,未见再撕裂。




Due to the impact of chronic course, irreparable rotator cuff tears often have remarkable rotator cuff retraction, muscle atrophy and fatty filtration. It is difficult to realize the in-situ repair of reducing rotator cuff to footprint area for conventional operation methods with high incidence of postoperative re-tear and poor functional recovery, which is one big problem for shoulder joint surgeons. Currently, there is no universally accepted ideal and exact treatment plan. Patch bridging is one of the treatment options for irreparable rotator cuff tear with satisfactory short-term clinical results.


To investigate the early curative efficacy of arthroscopic bridging reconstruction using fascia lata patch autograft for irreparable rotator cuff tears and the structural integrity of patch.


From January 2019 to December 2019, 12 patients (6 males and 6 females) of irreparable rotator cuff tears were treated with arthroscopic bridging reconstruction using fascia lata patch autograft and the data were retrospectively analyzed. Their ages ranged from 49 to 80 year with an average age of (66.1±8.6) years. The duration of preoperative symptoms was 34.8 months (1 to 120 months) . Hamada classification was used with standard anteroposterior radiographs of glenohumeral joint preoperatively. The ranges of motion (anteflexion, abduction and external rotation) were recorded before and after operation. All patients were evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS) , American shoulder and elbow surgeons (ASES) , Constant-Murley score, and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) score. The structural integrity of patch was assessed using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) .


All the incisions were primary healing without complications or adverse reactions. All patients were followed up for 9.5 to 20 months with a mean duration of (13.9±4.0) months. According to Hamada classification, there were 7 patients of Grade 2 and 5 patients of Grade 3. During the preoperative and last follow ups, the ranges of anteflexion were 108.3°±36.9° and 162.5°±9.9° respectively, the ranges of abduction were 69.6°±13.8° and 94.6°±9.5° respectively, the rages of external rotation were 20.8°±11.3° and 43.8°±12.3° respectively, the VAS scores were (7.1±0.6) points and (0.9±0.6) points respectively, the UCLA scores were (11.8±2.2) points and (31.3±2.0) points respectively, the ASES scores were (42.2±8.1) points and (90.0±5.0) points respectively, and the Constant-Murley scores were (46.7±8.5) points and (85.8±7.5) points respectively. There were significant differences in the ROM of forward flexion, abduction and external rotation, VAS scores, UCLA scores, ASES scores and Constant-Murley scores (P<0.001) . According to the UCLA scores in the last follow up, there were 2 excellent cases, 9 good cases and 1 poor case, and the excellent and good rate was 91.7% (11/12) . All the bridging patches were intact based on MRI results.


Arthroscopic bridging reconstruction with fascia lata patch autograft for irreparable rotator cuff tears can relieve pain, improve postoperative ROM and achieve functional recovery without structural failures of bridging patch.

图1 患者侧卧位,暴露患侧肩关节及同侧髋关节外侧,标记取阔筋膜的区域(股骨大粗隆顶点)
图2 右肩手术入路标记
图3 右肩巨大肩袖撕裂,冈下肌、肩胛下肌修复后,残留部分冈上肌不可修复,利用带刻度的探钩测量肩袖缺损区的大小 图A:冈上肌后缘至冈下肌前缘的长度为缺损区的前后径;图B:内侧肩袖残端的边缘至足印区外侧缘的长度为缺损区的内外径
图4 切取同侧自体阔筋膜
图5 自体阔筋膜补片的缝线准备
图6 经前外侧入路置入自体阔筋膜补片 图A:补片缝线的另一端按照由前到后的顺序逆行过线,穿过缺损区前方的冈上肌后缘、内侧的冈上肌腱残端及后方的冈下肌前缘,并分别由前方、Neviaser、后方入路引出;图B:组织抓钳将阔筋膜补片推入肩峰下间隙(蓝色箭头),缓慢牵拉前方、Neviaser、后方入路内的缝线(黄色箭头),收紧肩关节外侧补片前后角牵拉线,顺利置入并展开补片;图C:补片置入完成
图7 补片桥接完成后,经右肩外侧入路观察所见 图A:自体阔筋膜补片与冈上肌残端可靠缝合,完全覆盖肩袖缺损区域;图B:补片外侧缘行双排缝线桥固定后
表1 术前与术后末次随访时肩关节活动度比较(°,±s)
表2 术前与术后末次随访时肩关节疼痛与功能评分比较(分,±s)
图8 患者,女性,68岁,右肩不可修复性肩袖撕裂,冈上肌腱严重回缩,行自体阔筋膜补片桥接术MRI随访结果 图A :术前MRI斜冠状面T2WI片显示冈上肌腱连续性中断,断端回缩至关节盂水平;图B:术后第2天MRI斜冠状面T2WI片显示补片与冈上肌桥接固定良好(红色箭头所示为补片与冈上肌残端桥接处);图C:术后1年MRI斜冠状面T2WI片显示阔筋膜补片与冈上肌腱残端缝合处愈合良好,自体阔筋膜补片在足印区愈合良好
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