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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (03) : 231 -237. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2019.03.008

所属专题: 文献


李鹭鹭1, 张永进1, 何崇儒1, 鞠泽亚1, 周至游1, 刘洋1, 汪滋民1,()   
  1. 1. 200082 上海长海医院骨关节外科
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-09 出版日期:2019-08-05
  • 通信作者: 汪滋民
  • 基金资助:

Curative effect analysis of O’Driscoll four-step arthroscopic arthrolysis for treatment of elbow stiffness

Lulu Li1, Yongjin Zhang1, Chongru He1, Zeya Ju1, Zhiyou Zhou1, Yang Liu1, Zimin Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Osteoarticular Surgery, Changhai Hosptial of Naval Military Medical University, Shanghai 200082, China
  • Received:2019-04-09 Published:2019-08-05
  • Corresponding author: Zimin Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Zimin, Email:

李鹭鹭, 张永进, 何崇儒, 鞠泽亚, 周至游, 刘洋, 汪滋民. O’Driscoll四步法关节镜下肘关节松解术治疗肘关节僵硬的疗效分析[J]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2019, 07(03): 231-237.

Lulu Li, Yongjin Zhang, Chongru He, Zeya Ju, Zhiyou Zhou, Yang Liu, Zimin Wang. Curative effect analysis of O’Driscoll four-step arthroscopic arthrolysis for treatment of elbow stiffness[J]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2019, 07(03): 231-237.




2016年6月至2018年6月上海长海医院骨关节外科收治的肘关节僵硬患者25例采用O’Driscoll四步法完成肘关节镜松解术,其中男20例,女5例;年龄17~67岁,平均(42.8±18.1)岁。累及侧别:左9例,右16例。术前均应用体格检查、X线平片、CT三维重建及MRI完善检查并做好记录。比较肘关节活动度(range of motion,ROM)、视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)及Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)进行观察分析。采用SPSS 17.0软件对数据进行t检验分析。






The structure of elbow joint is tight, and the adhesion between joint capsule and its surrounding tissue is likely to occur after trauma or inflammation. Thus, the incidence of elbowstiffness is high. Meanwhile, as the hand function depends on the flexion and extension of elbow joint and the rotation of forearm, the elbow joint dysfunction impairs the function of elbow joint as well as hand. The main causes of elbow stiffness derive from the inside and outside of elbow joint. Morrey, et al. divided elbowstiffness into three subtypes based onetiology and injured structure: intra-articular stiffness, extra-articular stiffness and mixed stiffness. The factors of intra-articular stiffness include articular cartilage defect, loose body, osteophyte impingement, arthritis, synovitis, joint capsule scar adhesion, contracture, etc. The factors of extra-articular stiffness include muscle tissue spasm caused by pain, soft tissue scar contracture and adhesion, collateral ligament contracture, heterotopic ossification, etc. The factors of mixed stiffness include both of the above.With the in-depth study of elbow joint biomechanics , the improvement of surgical instrument and surgical methodand the postoperative standardized rehabilitation training, arthrolysis has become a preferred choice for the elbow stiffness that does not respond to conservative treatment. However, intraoperative neurovascular injury and poor postoperative result are still problems for surgeon. The elbow arthrolysis can be performed by incision or arthroscopy.The former one is a routine surgical method for the treatment of elbow stiffness, which needs to extensively dissect the surrounding soft tissue for adequate exposure and has large damage, massive hemorrhage and long recovery time.Consequently, the formations of hematoma, fibrous scar hyperplasia and heterotopic ossification are easily resulted.The latter one is performed through various approaches to accurately assess the location and extent of elbow joint lesion, which can be safely and intraarticularly performed with less damage, less bleedingand faster recovery.Due to the anatomical featureof elbow joint, the application range of arthroscopic arthrolysis is narrow, and the nerves around arthroscopic approach are densely distributed. The risk of nerve damage is greater during surgery, and the most vulnerable one is radial nerve.The arthroscopic arthrolysis of elbow was improved by O'Driscoll, et al. to minimize the risk of nerve damage, and a four-step method was proposed: (1) entrance of elbow joint and establishment of field; (2) further exposure to create working space; (3) removal of osteophyte and avoidance of impingement; (4) joint capsule resection.Objective To evaluate the efficacy of O’Driscoll four-step arthroscopic elbow arthrolysis for the treatment of elbow stiffness.


From June 2016 to June 2018,25 patients (20 males and 5 females) with elbowstiffnesswere treatedwith O’Driscoll four-step arthroscopic elbow arthrolysisin the department of bone and joint surgery of Changhai hospital in Shanghai. The age ranged from 17 to 67 years with an average of (42.8±18.1) years. 9 cases had the left side affected, and 16 cases had the right side affected . Physical examination, X-ray film, CT three-dimensional reconstruction and MRI scan were performed preoperatively and well recorded.The elbow range of motion (ROM) , Visual analogue scale (VAS) score and Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS) were compared and observed for analysis. The data were analyzed by t-test using SPSS 17.0 software.


The twenty-five patients were followed up for 6-12 monthswith an average of (8.7±0.8) months. Twenty-three patients were followed up effectively. The wounds healed in the first stage without complication of nerve damage, infection, vascular injury, joint instability, myositis ossificans, etc.The average maximum elbow flexionswere (86.5±22.1) ° before operation and (126.5±16.5) ° after operation. The average maximum elbow extensions were (34.8±12.6) ° before operation and (11.3±13.1) ° after operation. The total mean ROM were (51.7±21.0) ° before operation and (115.2±9.2) ° after operation.The therapeutic efficacy was evaluated based on MEPS, and the preoperative and postoperative scoreswere (60.5±13.4) points and (88.7±6.3) points, respectively.The postoperative score increased with statistical difference (P<0.05) .


The O’Driscoll four-step arthroscopic arthrolysis for the treatment of elbow stiffnesscan expand the application range of arthroscopy with low incidence of nerve damage, effectively improve the elbow ROM and reduce pain. The early onset of postoperative systematic rehabilitation training is also critical.

图1 后方间隙肘关节四步松解 图A:64岁男性重体力劳动者,肘关节疼痛伴屈伸和旋转功能明显受限,三维CT检查显示肘关节后方骨赘增生导致撞击,红色和黄色箭头分别显示内侧和外侧的骨赘;图B:第一步,进入关节,建立视野,后外侧入路进入关节镜,后正中入路进入刨刀清理滑膜,显露后内侧骨赘;图C:第二步,进一步显露以创造工作空间,使用刨刀和射频清除瘢痕组织,将关节囊和瘢痕从骨面上剥离,并使用拉钩牵开组织,获得一个更大更清晰的安全空间,可以看到外侧鹰嘴和滑车的骨赘导致撞击,即将被清除;图D:第三步,去除骨赘,避免撞击,使用磨钻清理后内侧的骨赘,此时有拉钩牵开组织,手柄的出水口无负压引流,缺口背对神经,助手用手指从后内小切口隔绝尺神经以尽可能保护尺神经免受损伤;图E:骨赘清除后伸直肘关节检验是否残留撞击;图F:后外侧入路观察,软点入路进入刨刀进一步清理肱桡关节后方
图2 前方间隙四步法松解清理 图A:同一患者的术前三维CT前面观,红色箭头所示为桡骨小头前下方的游离体,被环状韧带包裹,黑色排箭头所示为冠突窝和桡骨头窝周围骨赘;图B:同一患者的三维CT侧面观;图C:第一步,近端前内入路进镜观察,前外入路进工具清理;图D:第二步,拉钩辅助,射频进一步松解环状韧带;图E:第二步,在环状韧带内找到嵌顿的游离体待取出(红色箭头示);图F:第三步,磨钻清理冠突窝周围骨赘;图G:第四步,篮钳撕咬技术做前方关节囊切除术;图H:关节囊切除后要显露肱肌纤维
表1 患者术前、术后6个月及末次随访结果比较(n=23,±s
图3 患者,男,64岁,重体力劳动者 图A:患者术前屈曲位;图B:患者术前伸直位;图C:患者术前外旋位;图D:患者术前内旋位;图E:患者术后屈曲位;图F:患者术后伸直位;图G:患者术后外旋位;图H:患者术后内旋位
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