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中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (03) : 219 -225. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2019.03.006

所属专题: 文献


柳海峰1, 陆伟1,(), 梁达强1, 朱伟民1, 欧阳侃1, 彭亮权1, 李皓1, 冯文哲1, 陈康1, 李瑛1, 许鉴1, 钟名金1, 王大平1   
  1. 1. 518000 深圳大学第一附属医院(深圳市第二人民医院) 运动医学科
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-12 出版日期:2019-08-05
  • 通信作者: 陆伟
  • 基金资助:

Therapeutic effect observation of modified arthroscopic double-Endobutton Latarjet procedure for treatment of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in epileptics

Haifeng Liu1, Wei Lu1,(), Daqiang Liang1, Weimin Zhu1, Kan Ouyang1, Liangquan Peng1, Hao Li1, Wenzhe Feng1, Kang Chen1, Ying Li1, Jian Xu1, Mingjin Zhong1, Daping Wang1   

  1. 1. Department of Sports Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University (Shenzhen Second People's Hospital) , Shenzhen 518000, China
  • Received:2019-03-12 Published:2019-08-05
  • Corresponding author: Wei Lu
  • About author:
    Coresponding author: Lu Wei, Email:

柳海峰, 陆伟, 梁达强, 朱伟民, 欧阳侃, 彭亮权, 李皓, 冯文哲, 陈康, 李瑛, 许鉴, 钟名金, 王大平. 改良关节镜双袢法Latarjet手术治疗癫痫患者复发性肩关节前脱位的疗效观察[J/OL]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志, 2019, 07(03): 219-225.

Haifeng Liu, Wei Lu, Daqiang Liang, Weimin Zhu, Kan Ouyang, Liangquan Peng, Hao Li, Wenzhe Feng, Kang Chen, Ying Li, Jian Xu, Mingjin Zhong, Daping Wang. Therapeutic effect observation of modified arthroscopic double-Endobutton Latarjet procedure for treatment of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in epileptics[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Shoulder and Elbow(Electronic Edition), 2019, 07(03): 219-225.




自2014年10月至2016年10月,共有9例伴发严重骨缺损的肩关节前脱位癫痫患者在深圳大学第一附属医院接受了改良关节镜双袢法Latarjet手术,患者平均年龄为(26.3±3.1)岁,术前均进行超过半年的抗癫痫治疗,术后继续进行抗癫痫治疗1年。术后立刻行CT检查观察骨块位置,分别于术后3、6、12、24个月随访行CT检查观察骨块吸收、愈合情况;并记录患者的美国肩与肘协会评分系统(American shoulder and elbow surgeon’form,ASES)评分、Rowe评分以及Walch-Duplay评分并进行肩关节功能评估。






During epileptic seizures, a series of injury caused by the fall event as a result of muscle spasms has always been the therapeutic difficulty in clinical practice.From the perspective of orthopaedic doctor, the instability of shoulder joint caused by fall damage is the focus of our attention.It has been reported in literature that the incidence of shoulder dislocation caused by seizures is approximately 0.6%.Considering that a large number of patientsare missed, we believe that the actual incidence rate is much higher than this value.It has been previously thought that the posterior shoulder dislocation caused by strong muscle contraction in the patient with epilepsy is more common. However, the truth is that the proportion of patient with anterior shoulder dislocation is not low, and it is even reported that the incidence rates of anterior and posterior shoulder dislocationsare 50% and 50% respectively. Currently, there are many surgical methods for the treatment of anterior shoulder dislocation including soft tissue repair surgery and bone repair surgery. Among them, the Latarjet procedure in bone repair surgery is the most widely applied technique.Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of modified arthroscopic double-Endobutton Latarjet procedure for the treatment of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in epileptics.


From October 2014 to October 2016,a total of 9 epileptics (9 shoulder joints) suffered from anterior shoulder dislocation with severe bone defect received the modified arthroscopic double-Endobutton Latarjet procedure in our hospital. The mean age was (26.3±3.1) years old. All patients received anti-epileptic treatment for over half of a year before surgery, and the anti-epileptic treatment was continued for 1 year after operation.Immediate postoperative CT scan was performed to detect bone graft position.Then,CT scan was performed at the 3rd , 6th, 12th, and 24th months to evaluate the status ofbone graft absorption and union. The ASES score, Rowe score and Walch-Duplay score were recorded during each follow-up to assess patients’ shoulder function.


Eight patients were followed up for anaverage of (20.1±4.2) months, while 1 patient ofright shoulder was lostfor follow-up.Three patients had recurrent epilepsy 2 months, 6 months and 8 months after operation respectively due to absence of taking medicine.Among them,1 case was lost for follow-up atthe 6th postoperative month, and the remaining 2 patients with recurrence showed a significant displacement of bone graft and then healed again after conservative treatment. A total of 7 patients received complete follow-up, and the bone grafts healedduring the last followup. Six patients returned to competitive exercise, and 2 patients returned to normal life without complaint of shoulder joint instability.The CT scans showed significant difference of bone graft plasticity. The bone absorption rate in 4 cases was between 5% and 75%. Three cases had the area expanded compared to the original state, and 1 case had no obvious change.Before operation and during the last followup: the mean ASES scoreswere (76.75±7.41) points and (94.68±5.02) points respectively (P<0.05) ;the mean Rowe scores were (43.75±5.82) points and (93.13±5.30) points respectively (P<0.05) ; the mean Walch-Duplay scores were (76.13±6.98) points and (93.00±2.00) points respectively (P<0.05) .


The modified arthroscopic double-Endobutton Latarjet procedure has a good short-term clinical effect on epileptics with anterior shoulder dislocation, and this technique has the potential of reunion after recurrence.The patient satisfaction is high, and this technique is worth of promotion and application.However, we should pay more attention to the postoperative control of epileptic seizure and the prevention of epilepsy recurrence to avoidoperation failure and recurrent shoulder dislocation.

图1 手术入路A:前方入路;B:后方标准观察入路;C:前上外侧入路
图2 双筒定位器[4]
表1 术前及末次随访时患者肩关节功能评分(分,±s
图3 术前三维CT,关节盂前下方缺损明显
图4 术前巨大Hill-sachs损伤
图5 术中镜下所见 图A:右肩前下方关节盂缺损,关节囊缺失;图B:术后喙突骨块与盂面紧密相接,锚钉防旋转
图6 术后当时(图A)、术后3个月(图B)、术后6个月(图C)以及术后12个月(图D)的肩关节三维CT;骨块在术后3个月愈合良好,术后6个月塑形趋于稳定
图7 术后当时(图A)、术后3个月(图B)、术后6个月(图C)以及术后12个月(图D)的骨块愈合塑形情况;术后3个月可见骨块愈合良好,且高出关节面部分骨质逐渐吸收,骨块逐渐与盂面相平
图8 末次随访时患肩(右)与健侧(左)活动度对比,可见双侧肩关节外旋(图A,图B)、内旋(图C)以及前屈(图D)无明显差异
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